Beckett Radio Plays

RTÉ Radio One, 2006

All That Fall
Roughs for Radio I and II
The Old Tune
Words and Music.

In 2006 to celebrate the centenary of Samuel Beckett's birth, Irish national broadcaster RTE Radio One invited Gare St Lazare Ireland to make new productions of Samuel Beckett's six radio plays and his translation of The Old Tune by Robert Pinget.  

The productions were directed by Judy Hegarty Lovett and produced by Lorelei Harris and Aidan Matthews.   They were originally broadcast during the week of April 13th 2006, Samuel Beckett's birthday.   

The cast included the late Irish actors Anna Manahan and David Kelly in the roles of Maddy and Dan Rooney in All That Fall.  Other cast-members include Denis Conway, Olwen Fouere, Louis Hegarty Lovett, Ruby Hegarty Lovett, John Kavanagh, Ally Ni Chiarain, Mark O'Regan, Conor Lovett,  Louis Lovett, Annie Ryan, Catherine Walsh and Michael West.  

The musical director was Paul Clark whose original compositions are used on Words & Music, Cascando and Rough For Radio 1. 

The recordings can be listened to by arrangement with Gare St Lazare Ireland.

Please email us at info(at)garestlazareireland(dot)com